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Hope you enjoy the sermons.  I also want you to interact with it , be open and see what God does in you.  



Radical Questions_God unboxed


Love in the Valley-The Star of Christmas-2


August 2021

Persisting in the face of Naysayers

February 2020

Course Correction

Direction, not intention leads to destination

January 2020

Praying like you want it!

December 2019

Its Still Possible

September 2018

Moving Against Suicidal Ideation

Loyalty: A lost Virtue

Finding lasting job satisfaction

August 2018

How God Works in Us

July 2018

The Lord’s thoughts toward you

April 2018

Cultivating what you’re good at

Knowing when to be both slow and fast

Knowing the most important thing

Ignoring the Naysayers

Easter in The 3rd Dimension

March 2018

Palm Sunday-Not what anyone expected

Making a public stand for God


When your faith is criticized

God values education. God values continuous learning. In fact, the Bible says that we honor God by developing and educating our mind. we are fulfilling the great commandment as well.   That is what Daniel did.  Despite the erroneous teaching he was subjected to as a teenager, he was able to excel in a world that criticized his faith. We need education but we also need to guard our education.  We guard by starting first with God then we can tell the truth from the lies.  When we do so, we are destined to succeed.

when it looks as if its all over

February 2018

when you are asked to do the impossible

when your world is shaken

The secret to personal success

January 2018

The overturning power of a fast

Fasting for ministry

Why do we fast?

December 2017

journey of peace